
The Relationship Between William and Christopher Wadsworth — 68 Comments

  1. I have been told by an uncle who did geneology on the Wadsworths that we’re related to Gen. Robert E.Lee. I was told that I was a 4th cousin 5 times removed through Mary Randolph Curtis, Lee’s wife. However, I cannot verify any of this. Do any of you have any info on this ?


  3. Hi my name is Carole Evelyn Robinson my 5th great grandmother born 1760 is Sarah Wadsworth. My 6th great grandfather is William Wadsworth1736 and Elizabeth Eden 1743. Is anyone able to help me with the rest of my grand parents.

  4. I am in the process of writing narratives for an upcoming book.
    I have considerable information of William W. Wadsworth, his divorce from Althea and the mother of his two sons, William and Christopher.
    If anyone is interested, I am willing to provide some citation pointers.

    • Dear Judy,

      Have you published your book? I am very interested in the research you have done especially if the William you are talking about is or is related to William who came in 1623.

      Barbara (great great grandfather was Henry Truman Wadsworth, descendant of William (1594)

  5. Hi Mike,

    Not sure if this page is still live and being updated. My results are also up on the Wadsworth DNA project, and show the G haplogroup, which is quite fascinating. My father, grandfather, etc were born in Northern Ireland, and my Y DNA matches seem to point to a geographic area around Halifax in Yorkshire around 500 years ago. This certainly seems to be the origin of William at least.

    Nigel Wadsworth

    • Nigel, yes this website is active and being updated (occasionally). I intend to get more active in the next year. Thanks for viewing – ADMIN.

      • I am a descendant of Christopher Wadsworth as well. My mother is/was Patricia Wadsworth, her father was Kay Vernon Wadsworth son of Vernon Chester Wadsworth. Utah/Idaho division of the family 🙂 I too am very interested in our family history. I just ordered a DNA kit from 23 & Me. If I can contribute anything to the Wadsworth DNA I’d be happy to. Nice to meet you, family.

      • I would like to open a discussion with you about the Wadsworth DNA project. I have done a great amount of original research from primary documents about the early Wadsworths. I am hoping to write this up under the theme of migration but so far have only covered pre 1400. There is a huge body of archival documentation in the UK but there are also enormously frustrating gaps. Real history for you! Christopher was quite an intrigueing character and probably not the son of Richard and Christabel even though this conveniently fits the narrative and is often quoted. There was a Heptonstall burial for this Christopher. But another Christopher, son of a different Richard, had a interesting but ambiguous story, which I am just starting to try and write. If there was good decisive evidence through DNA that he came from the Halifax area that would be of great interest. Christopher was a relatively uncommon given name at this date (unlike William) and generally a younger son. Heptonstall records only start in 1593 covering the immediate locality round Hebden Bridge and so there may have been earlier Christophers whose births were unrecorded. Halifax records start 50 years earlier covering the settlements just a little further south and east to which many Wadsworth had already moved even by 1550 and maybe even as early as the period after the Black Death but not all the records one would expect to find amongst them are actually there. However wills, deeds and court records provide interesting illumination.

        • Ann, I certainly welcome any discussion regarding the DNA Project, or the early history of the Wadsworth family. If Christopher came from the Halifax area, rather than from Heptonstall, that would really upset everything previously known or assumed about the family history. I’m looking forward to hearing more. MG Wadsworth.

          • I am certainly curious. I am a descendant of a Christopher Wadsworth by way of his son John and John’s son John and John II.’s son Peleg, Peleg’s son Cephas… etc.
            I’d love to know more beyond Christopher if this history can ever be untangled.

          • Hi,
            I have not looked at this site since making my post about Christopher hence my impolite lack of a reply. My apologies!
            It was possible for someone who normally used Heptonstall Chapel (a chapel of ease for Halifax St John – the mother church of an enormous parish) to marry or be baptised in Halifax. Not usually buried there probably for the obvious practical transport reasons.
            I have now written up my conclusions about Christopher – still ambiguous but Richard and Christabel do not appear to have been his parents, but possibly a different but related Richard and his wife Jane. A note of caution. I have not looked at the US based records. Because so many family histories are someone else’s thoughts rehashed over and again until they are presented as fact and I am not in a position to check originals I would love to work with someone in the US who shares my approach and uses original documents wherever possible. Therefore there may be something in the US which is very relevant and I have overlooked.
            I don’t really understand the science of DNA but my results are on Ancestry and so far they have turned up relations who I know to be valid, so I see that it works. I can be messaged through that site and have a mini public tree there.

  6. Can DNA results from Ancestry be uploaded to Wadsworth DNA project? If so, can you give assistance with how to do it? Descendant of relatives through Hiram, ME.

  7. I am a descendant of Christopher Wadsworth (8th Great Grandfather), through the Utah family. Is there any definitive proof of Christopher’s parents? Currently I have William and Elizabeth (Stone?) Wadsworth as his parents, in Long Buckby, Northhampton, England, but I suspect this is only conjecture. I believe Robert, from the family in England, claims to be able to follow the family back into the 1400’s. Please publish any data you can concerning Christopher’s parentage. Thanks so much.

  8. How do I take the DNA test? My side of the family came from Beckett MA to Wellington Ohio and finally to Hopedale, IL.

    • James,head over to and order a DNA test kit. When there, you’ll find several different levels of results, the deeper you want to go, the more it will cost you. The nice thing is you can always upgrade later on. When you send your kit back, you can join the Wadsworth DNA Project at Once you join, you’ll receive periodic emails when new DNA kits have been tested and a new relative has been discovered. It’s a great program, let me know if you have any questions. Mike Wadsworth

      • Do you know, Mike, if the Wadsworth DNA Project you are referring to includes descendants of William, or just Christopher?

        • Barbara, the Wadsworth DNA Project is open to all Wadsworths regardless of their heritage. Having everyone in the project makes it possible to determine how many distinct families are present.

  9. My Grandparents were William and Jennie Wadsworth from Odenville, Alabama, some family members are from Blount County Alabama.I hope this helped someone along the way.

      • Hello! My husband is a Wadsworth but is not in contact with his father’s side (we’ve reached out in recent years but no response). His father’s side, as far as we know, are from Alabama. If you have any information on the Wadsworths from Alabama, I’d greatly appreciate exploring the family tree and seeing if we can piece together where my husband’s father’s family fits.

    • Eli born 1814 was probably the son of Ignatious Wadsworth, Jr. Eli did draw some land from Muscogee but I am not sure he ever lived there. Is this the same Eli?

  10. latest wadsworth to jump on board my branch of the family is from westmoreland county penna mount pleasant area direct descendant of thomas wadsworth and Rebecca passmore looking to find out info about thomas family in england fathers and mothers info brothers ect. good to see all.

    Timothy abraham wadsworth

  11. Hemon Wadsworth, from New York, married Amarilla Greenman, and she has a giant pedigree, but Hemon’s parents aren’t known officially, just a couple parents who maybe the parents

    • My name is Dennis Wadsworth. Hemon would be my great great great grandpa. I live in Wolbach, NE and Hemon, one of his sons Charles, and Charles son, Elmer are all resting in Palmer, NE which is near where I live. Would like to hear from you.

  12. Hello,
    I know there aren’t any copies of “The Wadsworth Family in America 1632 – 1985”, but I sure would LOVE to get my hands on a copy. Mary – could you please give the name of the antique book publisher where you got your reprint? I would be very grateful. I cannot find any on the internet. Many thanks!

    • Maranda, any good antiquities book dealer should be able to help you. I think the book you are referring to is Horace Wadsworth’s “250 Years of the Wadsworth Family in America”. Another one you may be referring to is Mary Jane Fry Wadsworth’s “The Wadsworth Family in America, 1632 – 1977. A third book that I have is “Moses Wadsworth and Hannah Stevens – Their Ancestral Lines”, which was written in 1941 by Mary Wadsworth Jones. Jones’ book is largely taken from the Horace Wadsworth book with her additional research added.

      Best of luck finding what you are looking for. Mike.

    • You can obtain a bound copy of the H.A. Wadsworth book from the New England Historic Genealogical Society at I purchased a few to give to members of my family and the quality is very good. I was also able to get an original book from an antique book dealer to replace a lost original. The book was originally published by a printer in Lawrence Mass.
      Good luck!

  13. I’m grew up in Lexington, MA and I’m definitely descended from Christopher. Family records indicate and it has always been assumed that he came over on the ship Lyon or (Lion). This is the first I’ve heard that he may not have. I would be very interested in any further developments on this matter.

    • I am also a direct descendant of Christopher Wadsworth. How do we research if he didn’t come over on the Lyon. I am disappointed but will keep researching. Any help would be appreciated. …

  14. Having dinner with my father this weekend I just learned we have an orginal copy of the “250 years of the Wadsworth family in America” that my great grandmother received while attending the family reunion in 1884. Myrtle was a teenager at the time. Does anyone have any idea how many copies there are? This was the source of a rather large family dispute, who got “the book” for their family (six daughters- you can only imagine). Whoo Hoo for our branch… thinking of trying to make copies for the rest of the cousins, all of that generation are gone.

    • Sommer, I don’t know how many copies of the book were published. Probably very few. I purchased a reprint several years ago from an antique book publisher, but recently received an original copy from someone in Ireland who found it at an estate sale and sent it to me. I will post photos sometime soon.

  15. My grandfather was Vernon Burton Wadsworth his father was Nicolas Foos Wadsworth believed to be a drummer boy in the civil war. They are from Ohio by Lake Erie. Does anyone know anything about this?

    • Nicolas F, Wadsworth was the son of Capt. Dewitt Clinton Wadsworth (1822-1863) KIA Chickamunga. He was the grandson of Richard Wadsworth who moved from Avon, NY to Ohio around 1827. His great grandfather Gad Wadsworth moved to Avon from Connecticut in 1794. Previous ancestors are William II, Captain William, John Wadsworth and the William who came over in 1632. I have the full genealogy online at Refer to Chart 2 for your branch. Please let me know if you can provide any corrections or updates to my chart.

  16. I have recently began helping my husband trace his family tree. The whole family seems to know very little and we have not gotten much further than his maternal great grandfather Ernest Wadsworth whose mothers parents were from North Yorkshire England and settled in Maine just after the the Revolutionary War (we do not know their names). I do know that Ernest Wadsworth somehow ended up in Jamaica and had at least 1 boy named Edward Charles Wadsworth with a Jamaican woman named Blanch Herron. There is also some traces that the family has done that go back to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, but we are missing years in there. I know this is very little information to go on, but I’m hoping someone can possibly help! Thanks so much!

    • Hi,
      I am putting together the family tree for my best friend and can give you more info on Edward Ernest Wadsworth. He was born in Bradford Yorkshire 29th Sept 1873, he married Ethel Dewhirst c1878 Bradford on 12th April 1900 at St. Paul’s Manningham Bradford. They had two children, Ethel Vera Wadsworth 1901 Bradford died 1919 Florida and William Wadsworth born 9 Sep 1905 Bradford and died 3 May 1991 Florida. After the death of Ethel Edward married Blanche Heron c1914 died 1992 on 29th Sept 1924 Manchester Jamaica. On a copy of the marriage certificate he was sixty, a widower and she was twenty.They had four children I believe, two of which are Edward Charles Wadsworth 1935 died 3 Nov 1991 and Geaorge Harold Wadsworth 15 Oct 1937 Jamaica and died 15 Aug 2010 Calcary Canada. If you want me to look at Edwards parents and further back let me know.
      Meant to say Edwards’s first wife Ethel was the sister of my friends Gt Grandfather.
      Regards Jill

  17. I’m from Alabama and haven’t done any research on our line. My grandmother (pasted away) has a book she did for our family but I haven’t found where it is now. My grandfather was Frank Love Wadsworth and we were from the Prattville area. Roll Tide Roll!

  18. Do you know anything about the Wadsworths in Alabama? I am trying to find ancestry info on my great great grandfather. He married an native american… her name was either Love or Dove, my mom can’t remember. My papa’s name was Malcolm Smith Wadsworth IV

  19. I had my DNA tested I am 100% match to Christopher Wadsworth – My Family is from Macclesfield, Cheshire, Engtland. I have traced my family to the early 1600. I sumize the family connection comes from Wadsworth in Yorkshire just north of Bradford in Yorkshire England— from where Christopher Wadsworth came from. By the way my DNA is different from that of William Wadsworth

    • Robert, I too am related to Christopher, not William, having proven through DNA testing as well. Good to know there are still family members in England.

    • I would like to challenge all Wadsworth to follow their families back to Heptonstall, Yorkshire as the records start about 40 years after Columbus rediscovered America. Submitte your DNA

      • My mum traced her line back to a guy called Thomas Wadsworth from Heponstall in Yorkshire, he could have been the brother of William Wadsworth who was one of the founders of Hartford. I’m a Wadsworth as I have her surname. I’m over in England, originally from Yorkshire

        • After a bit more digging it appears Thomas was Christopher’s brother not William’s. It also maybe the case that they share a father but not mother. A lady called Elyne Ferrer is likely one of the boys Mum, people have traced her line to 1030, Normandy.

    • Robert I too am descended from Christopher. He is my 8xs great grandfather whose son Cpt Samuel I also descend from then to Deacon John to Rev. Samuel who had a church in the rural northeastern town Killingly, CT whose daughter Selah married my 4xs great grandfather, Holley Reed the rural northwestern CT town of Cornwall. I will check out Wadsworth in Yorkshire. I trust DNA so it is good to know that Christopher and William were not brothers but part of 2 separate Wadsworth families who happened to come to the Massachusetts colony at the same time. Wish I could find which boat he came on.

  20. From what Ms. Frye wrote in Wadsworths in America, Vol. 1 and 2, I thought she believed that 4 Wadsworth brothers came to America together – I assumed one ship – I have not been able to confirm that idea.
    Your theory seems to be that there were Wadsworth relatives that came over 11 years apart – how many were there? Where did they come from? Why is tracing the Wadsworth’s back so maddening?
    Mine came from NC, Moore County to GA, Bibb County to FL, Madison County. The NC courthouse records burned in 1889. I have been unable to find Wills, Probate records, death notices, wedding notices or anything that can link the GA relatives to the NC Wadsworths. If you have any suggestions, please share with me.

    • You might try church records. My Wadsworth line came from Ct to NY to Ill. to Iowa to Nebraska. In many European formed communities the church records are the way to go – Baptisms, Births, Deaths will be listed here. Just a suggestion since the county records disappeared in the fire.


      • Interesting to know, Lisa. My family came from Connecticut to New York and then to Illinois via Beloit, Wisconsin. My traveling ancestors were Ariel Brace Wadsworth and his wife. His youngest son (my grandfather) then purchase land in northwest Iowa.

        • Ariel Brace Wadsworth had 3 families. With his 1st wife Susanna Skinner, he had Ariel S(kinner) Wadsworth. He then married Roxcy Rouse Robinson, by whom he had 4 daughters, Roxcy married John Dort [eventually ended up in Nebraska]; Susanna married Abram Sanford [ended up in Minn], Mary Ann married Zenas T Petty (my line) [western NY] , Elizabeth married George Reynolds [endedup in Missouri] and according to her ‘receipt’ book owned by a cousin in Alabama, in 1835″Ariel B runaway and left me ” date in 1835. He traveled with the Wright family from Friendship NY to Ohio and IL marrying their daughter Armenia ,with whom he had 4 daughters and a son (your line). Be careful of Mary Frye’s first book, as she had errors in the lineage which I understand she corrected in the second… would love to correspond and share info. Sue Barry barry(dot)sf(at)gmail(dot)com

    • @Susan,
      I also descend from the NC to GA to AL Wadsworth line. For me, there is much difficulty following Ignatious Wadsworth, Jr. I have not been able to find his first wife’s name, and it appears he may have been the father of 10 children. I am still working on this line, but it is very, very frustrating. I feel that Ignatious Sr. came from Maryland, although he put in one record that he was from Scotland. The Kent line, Carmack, etc, seemed to travel with the Wadsworth gang and they came from the North, traveling through Virginia, then on to the NC coast. One day we will figure it out.

  21. My Grand father and mother were, Roy & Lillian Wadsworth. Birth place was Conneaut, Ohio. Lived in Erie, Pa. most of there lives. Children were Roy Jr., Winafred May and Betty Wadsworth. Mother (Winafred) married Lloyd E. Otteni, had four sons. Allen 1941, David 1943, Larry 1944 & Richard 1945. Where do we fit in with your research?
    David Otteni

  22. Thank you for the information on Christopher and William Wadsworth. I know my southern line has some bearing on those London passengers, but still cannot find the link. I hope to have DNA released from to fit us in. The information you gathered at least tells us researchers settles the question of which line we should be following.

  23. There seems to have been a split with some of the Wadsworths going to the northern United States, while others went from Virginia, down to Georgia and across to Alabama,Mississippi, Texas and California. Some of my clan came from Dublin,Ireland to the U.S. Those that served in the Civil War in Alabama were mostly privates and NCO’s. I’m still learning more about my family heritage,each year. We are related to the Murphrees, Bynums,Fulenwinders and even to the Lee’s of Virginia. I’m suppose to be a fifth cousin of Gen.Robert E.Lee, on his mother’s side of the family. Also, related to the Hollywood movie star and former Alabama football player,Johnny Mack Brown. (according to an uncle, who did a geneology of the Wadsworth family….now,deceased).

    • Lonnie,
      We are most likely cousins. My line is John Taliaferro Wadsworth (made shoes, along with his brother Daniel Franklin Wadsworth and they were in Columbus Ga. Their brother Vincent E Wadsworth died in Petersburg, Va. on July 21, 1864. There was another brother Leonard A (?Alonza) Wadsworth. The father and mother of these was John Wadsworth and Martha Toler.

      • Greetings Cynthia,

        We could very well be distant cousins. At age 65. I’m finding an interest in knowing who my ancesters were and what they’re origins,beliefs,etc. are. I’m presently trying to find my Confederate ancesters who served in the Civil War from Blount Co.,Alabama. I’m sure that some of the Wadsworths served in the Union army,as well. Hope I’m not kin to the Northern Gen. Wadsworth that was killed in the Battle of the Wilderness ! Hurray for Dixie and Roll Tide !

      • Cynthia….there are a lot of Wadsworth men,who left either North and South Carolina and moved to Jackson,GA. From there they purchased farm land in Blount Co.,AL. Just remember,the south had just about everything destroyed by the Yankees and most folks living in GA. were burned out by Sherman. They Wadsworth migrated throughout AL. and some moved on to TX. and CA.

      • Another child of John Wadsworth and Martha Toler would be Martha M Wadsworth. She was born about 1837 in Georgia and died on June 29, 1915, in Phenix City, Alabama. She was married to Francis M. Boland (1831-1900) and, to my knowledge, had a child named Nancy.

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